185 Days #4

185 days is a long time! It seems like forever when you’re talking about spending it in the hospital. At least that’s what it feels like for me. I can’t imagine what it feels like for Chris. I at least can get up and move around, come home each night to spoil our critters, and just get outside for some fresh air.

For the last 185 days Chris had laid in the hospital bed. Only sitting up on the side of the bed twice and being in their uncomfortable recliner twice. The recliner is too small for a 6′ 3″ man. It looks like having a teenager sit in the toddlers recliner. He’s head hangs off the back of the chair and his arms and legs hang off the sides. The end of the foot rest hits the middle of his calf. The hospital bed is not much of a step up either.

Due to pressure sore they changed his bed from the standard hospital bed to what they call a wound care bed. It does help with the pressure sore that happen from laying in bed for so long, but the back/head area of the bed is shorter than the standard beds. This means his head is either hanging over the mattress or he’s slid down so his lower back is where his bottom should be. It would be perfect for a short person like me; 5’3″. Not so comfortable for a tall man. This is just one of the small challenges for him.

Some of the other challenges are the switching doctors and nurses constantly, trying to get enough nutrition without vomiting, and having the respiratory therapist or nurse available to suction his trach when he needs it. Most of the time I end up doing this instead of waiting for someone to show up. If I don’t do it he gets to coughing so hard he vomits.

Most parents have joked about needing to check into the hospital just to get a break. I don’t think even they would consider a 6 month long hospital stay. Let alone a 6 month stay without being able to talk. The pneumonia, coughing and trach keep his throat so sore he doesn’t even try to talk. Part of the time when he’s suctioned you can clearly see the blood with the mucus. Since he had a blood clot in his neck; about a month ago and they put him on blood thinner meds, he bleeds very easy. So when the trach rubs and causes his throat to bleed it drains down into his lungs… causing more issues.

I wish we could see some major improvements but I’m happy with even the little improvements! Little improvements like having more urine output; even though his kidneys are not filtering his blood enough, are what helps me keep the faith that he will pull through this! He/we need all the positive thoughts, good vibes and/or prayers he/we can get!

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